Tag Archives: Gmail

Gmail: Find unlabeled mail, and filter by attachment size

If you’ve wanted to filter by attachment size, or find unlabeled emails… you’re now in luck. Gmail has added some search operators recently.

My favorite is the ability to filter by attachment size:

  • size:2m searches for attachments of 2MB
  • larger:3m searches for attachments of 3MB and larger
  • smaller:5m searches for attachments smaller than 5MB

You can combine these searches with the other Gmail search operators:

  • larger:3m older_than:2y
  • larger:5m from:email@example.com

Need to find unlabeled messages?

has:nouserlabels will show you stuff you haven’t labeled.

3 minute tip: Configure a Linux server to send email

It’s useful to be able to send email from a Linux webserver. I do it to get MediaWiki page change notifications and other automated status updates. I wanted something that supported two-factor authentication, and this does.

This guide is for you, if:

  • You don’t want to run a mail server
  • You want to send email, and you don’t care about receiving it
  • You want people to receive the emails that your server sends

I’ve used this method with Linode, and it works perfectly.

Install mailutils

~ sudo apt-get install mailutils

When the setup wizard launches, choose the unconfigured option. You don’t need to do any special configuration to get this to work.

Install and configure sstmp

  1. ~ sudo apt-get install ssmtp
  2. ~ sudo vim /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
  3. Hit “i” to enter Insert mode.
  4. Uncomment FromLineOverride=YES by deleting the #
  5. Add the following to the file:


  6. Save and close the file:
    1. Hit Escape
    2. Type :wq
    3. Hit Enter

If you’re using two-factor authentication
Create a new application-specific password to use in the config file above. (If you’re using Gmail, you can manage those passwords here.)

Test it out
~ echo "This is a test" | mail -s "Test" <user>@<email>.com

Using a webmail service other than Gmail
You can follow the same pattern that I used above. You’ll need to:

  1. Subsitute the SMTP address and port for your email service (e.g. Yahoo!) where it says smtp.gmail.com:587. (587 is the port number.)
  2. Set up an application-specific password if your webmail provider allows it, and paste that into the password line, the way I did with Gmail. (Yahoo! appears to have something similar.)