How to install iCloud on Windows Server

iCloud sync stops working, or you get an error message on startup that says: The procedure entry point _objc_init_image could not be located in the dynamic link library objc.dll’ and will not start.

Apple has configured newer versions of iCloud (version 3+, I believe) to only work on Windows 7 or 8, but there’s no reason you can’t use it on Windows Server operating systems.

You’ll need about 3 minutes, and two utilities.

  1. Install 7-zip.
  2. Install Orca, a Microsoft-provided MSI editor.
    • Orca is bundled with the Windows SDK, and getting it out of that bundle isn’t straightforward, so I’ve extracted it, and zipped it up so you can get it as a standalone program.
  3. Download the iCloud control panel installer, if you haven’t already
  4. Open iCloudSetup.exe with 7-zip.
    1. Right-click it
    2. Select 7-zip > Open with 7-zip
  5. Extract the appropriate version of iCloud somewhere (usually this is iCloud64)
  6. Open Orca, and open the iCloud MSI you just extracted
  7. Go to the LaunchCondition table
  8. Change this line:
    • From: (VersionNT >= 601) AND (MsiNTProductType = 1)
    • To: (VersionNT >= 601) AND (MsiNTProductType = 3)
  9. Save and quit

You should then be able to install iCloud on your Windows Server OS using the MSI you just modified.

47 thoughts on “How to install iCloud on Windows Server

  1. Hello Sir, I still get the message “This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor.

  2. That means you’re trying to install the 64 bit version on a 32bit OS. Instead of editing iCloud64 MSI just use the regular iCloud MSI

  3. Awesome….Thanks a lot. I was waiting for Apple to release an updated version, but gave up on them.

  4. “The procedure entry point _objc_init_image could not be located in the dynamic link library objc.dll’ ” – This happens to me now on Win7 64-bit after letting iTunes update.

  5. Am I the only one for whom this doesn’t work anymore for iCloud 4.0 on a Windows 2012R2 server ? :( Is there a solution ?

  6. It stopped working for me, too, but I didn’t need Windows Server anymore, so I installed Windows 8.1. iCloud works with that out of the box, but obviously won’t help anyone who needs Server.

  7. hey any update to install it on windows 2012 R2, i did the steps above, but when the installation is finish i get this error:

    “there is a problem with this windows Installer package.
    A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. contact your support personnel or package vendor”

    and it is not installing… :-(

  8. I removed the LaunchConditions completely and the installer starts. But almost at the end I receive an error that a program the installer wants to launch does not start and everything is rolled back. I try to install iCould 4 ( on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

  9. For those having issues, make sure you run all the other MSI prior to installing the iCloud64.msi

    The new iCloud has dependencies on the other installs before it will complete the install.

  10. I have a windows computer, but want to access pictures on an iCloud account my daughter sent me. I downloaded iCloud, but when I sign in (with my apple user info) it says “This Apple ID is valid but it is not an iCloud account”. How do I fix this?

  11. @Tekka

    Same problem, but now it works. Try this:

    -Drop Table LaunchCondition;
    -Find and drop Row RuniCloudUpgrade;
    -Find and drop Row RuniCloudUpgrade again.

  12. Nick Schmidt Thankyou!

    Why I did not think that was the issue when my installer began to run having made the usual amendment through the Orca app I dont know but that has resolved my issue and I now have iCloud installed on 2012 R2 perfectly!


  13. For it to work for me i have had to now on two server completely remove the launchcondition table on icloud64.msi and then installed the other msi-packages prior to the icloud64.msi. That works beautifully!

  14. Following the latest steps using iCloud 5.1 setup on Windows Home Server 2011 (ie. Windows Server 2008 R2) and it fails. When trying to launch iCloud, I get the following error:
    This program cannot start because MSVCP120.DLL is missing from your computer

    Has anyone been able to get this version of iCoud to install on Windows server 2008/WHS? If so what steps worked to work around the issue?

  15. @Scott

    I was able to follow @kai on April 29, 2015 .msi modifications and successfully install iCloud64.msi on a WHS system.

    Thanks kai

  16. Thanks @Kai,

    Another WS2012 R2 (U1) user got it installed with the additional table and row drops.

  17. Thanks @Kai

    I was able to install on Server 2012 R2 but the iCloud control panel won’t start. The hour glass pops up for a very brief second then disappears – but nothing happens. Has anyone been able fix this?

  18. First of all: big up and thanks to @Kai and all the other posters – thumbs up!

    Had the same problem; solution: you need to install both of the AppleApplicationSupport.msi files – x84 AND x64 version.
    Afterwards the iCloud panel starts like a charm.


  19. I was getting the following error, please see below for the solution.

    “there is a problem with this windows Installer package.
    A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. contact your support personnel or package vendor”

    Solution: You need to ensure that you install both AppleApplicationSupport x32 and x64. I also had AppleSoftwareUpdate and Bonjour64 installed, these may be required also, if the installer fails ensure to install these two and try again.

    Good luck!

  20. Can confirm that Kai’s solution worked for me. No more of the

    “there is a problem with this windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. contact your support personnel or package vendor”


  21. I also completely removed the LaunchCondition on iCloud64.msi using ORCA (Win 2008R2) and worked smoothly.
    Thanks Mikael!
    Thanks ORCA!

  22. Cannot install on Server 2016 DE. Edited the x64 files with Orca. Even installed AppleSolutionSupport64 and Bonjour64 first but iCloud64.msi still fails with error “There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. ” Has anyone successfully installed on Server 2016 with Desktop Experience?

  23. Unfortunately no longer works in October 2018. Displays “Something is wrong with this installer” when it reaches “Removing Backup Files”.

  24. Several updates (12Dec18):

    1. Install iTunes64 first

    2. Use Orca to change the line:

    From: (VersionNT >= 601) AND (MsiNTProductType = 1)

    To: (VersionNT >= 601) AND (MsiNTProductType >= 0)

    (Change is MsiNTProductType = 3) to MsiNTProductType >= 0)

  25. This guide continues to work, just modify the iCloud64.msi file as directed above, and install the files extracted from the original iCloud executable in the following order:


    I’ll note that you can probably accomplish the same thing by first installing iTunes and then iCloud64.msi as iTunes will install the first three with it.

  26. I can attest it still works on 02/14/2019 – according to Tom Jackson’s fix.

    Really appreciate it Tom!

  27. With the two fixes above the application Launches it gets past the error 2229 stage but cannot complete stating:-

    There is a problem with this Windows Installer packager. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor

  28. Had the issue when installing it will give this error in the log file
    Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action RuniCloudUpgrade, location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\, command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloud.exe /upgrade

    So solution was recommended above is to install Itunes first and then run the installer again worked for me.

  29. Late to this party, but this post and the user comments are still viable. Thanks to all who shared! My setup: Server 2008 R2, latest build (July 2021) icloud for windows. What worked for me to get thru the install was: 1)extract the MSI files using 7 zip, 2)Install the 32 and 64bit application support, 3)Use ORCA to drop the launch conditions table from icloud64. Install worked! Note that I need icloud drive only. Only need it to work once to get 30 GB of an old server! I was able to sign in, uncheck the things I don’t need, select icloud and the synch works! The icloud control panel errors when I run it – on a dll related to Windows Media features – but it is working enough for icloud file sync.

  30. I keep getting the error:

    There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

    Anyone else running into this issue?

  31. Just Realize… Drop mean delete!
    Right click on LaunchCondition and select DropTable.
    Now i have Icloud on Server2016.

  32. Confirmed working.

    Modified both iCloud.msi and iCloud64.msi

    Then installed:

    I already had the following installed

    Finally iCloud.msi installed without the roll back. Win Server 2016 64bit

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