Some of you may have seen Hammy’s boomerang adventure on the Over the Hedge DVD, or somewhere else like Google Video or YouTube.

However, given that it’s OMG TOTALLY AWESOME, I have ripped it from the DVD, and made it available for download in high-quality H.264 format so you don’t have to squint at the screen to see it on YouTube or wherever else.
If you have some difficulty viewing this fullscreen, I suggest you try VLC (Mac OS X), or Media Player Classic (Windows).
wooowww mayne, big thx for this… i hope this is not the same french rip over the internet… i need the english rip… thx mayne!
yo mayne… maybe u got this short film from Dreamworks animation… is called First FLight… i cant find it anywhere, if u got it could you please upload that movie? if u can, please send me a mail… my mail is
THANK YOU! I spent forever looking for somewhere to download this. You are so awesome!
Thanks for this… i have been looking for this one for sometime… trying to build up a collection of short animated clips. have a few with me, i wouldnt mind sharing. since these are promo clips and available on the internet, i’m assuming there is no copy right violation involved in sharing these?
I have :
Knick Knack – the hopping lamp
Jack Jack Attack – one from Incredibles
Lifted – this came with ratatoullie
Mike’s new car – Monster’s Inc
For the Birds – Monster’s Inc
looking for:
first flight
far far away
drop me a mail at
there is no video on google :(
can you reupload it?
It’s still there. You can still right click -> Save as to download.
Thanks for sharing!!!, I’ts a great idea to save all the short animated clips, maybe someone will uploaded all in a torrent!
Thanks for the share. Appreciate it.
WAY old post, but i have an update – I’ve been looking for First Flight too. it just popped up a few weeks ago all over you tube. just youtube search
for dreamworks first flight. I guess it was tacked on to a video released in
february. finally!