How-To: Get your Olympus recorder working in Windows 7 and Vista

This article applies to the VN-120PC, VN-240PC, VN-480PC, VN-960PC, VN-2100PC, VN-3100PC, VN-3200PC and VN-4100PC digital audio recorders being used on 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The problem with getting your Olympus digital recorders to work with newer versions of Windows is that Olympus doesn’t provide all of the drivers you need in one place. In the hopes that I can save other frustrated users 20 minutes of wasted time, I’ve provided download links and a short guide to getting your recorder working with versions of Windows newer than XP.

1) Install the original Digital Wave Player software (Olympus link | local mirror)

Installing the original software will not get your device working, but it provides the baseline for the updates that you downloaded.

2) Install the Digital Wave Player update (Olympus link | local mirror)

This will make a green and gray digital recorder icon appear in your System Tray. (32-bit Windows users stop here.)

3) Install the 64-bit Windows drivers (Olympus link | local mirror)

After you’ve completed this step, you should be able to connect your device and transfer the audio files to your computer.

If you found this post useful, please consider donating $2


(Optional) Install Audacity to edit your audio files.

Link. Windows 7 users should use the 1.3 beta version.

294 thoughts on “How-To: Get your Olympus recorder working in Windows 7 and Vista

  1. Thank you so much for this! Appreciate you putting this up online… saved me (and I am sure a lot of others) a lot of time and frustration! Cheers mate. :)

  2. Thanks – very happy to donate – followed 64 bit instructions and am downloading everything off the recorder to computer. You saved me a bundle of time!

  3. Greetings. Will the above solution from your site work with Windows 8 (64 bit)? I have already downloaded all “three steps”. Thank you in advance.


  4. Thank you, thank you!! Years trying to update the driver, now I can use mi Olympus again =) Thank you!!!

  5. Will the Olympus VN-960PC work on windows 8 ? If so how and where do I go to get it to work?

  6. Add me to the list below of very happy voice-recorderers, if that’s even a word. Thanks!

  7. Already wasted a couple of hours when I finally found your site. Thanks a million. Worth a WHOLE lot more than just $2.00, so thanks many times over.

  8. After several frustrating visits to the Olympus website and running around in circles… told me I had to purchase the CD-ROM, but then no longer stocked the CD-ROM – your instructions worked like an absolute charm. My computer now recognizes my recorder and I can create and download files. Sending you love, peace and harmony, with blessings for your life as appropriate. Please visit to download a free CD which will further bless your life. Copyright is free so you can share as many as you like. :)

  9. thank-you very much!! how many PhD’s does it take to get files off a recorder – none the medical student googled it :) i’ve put links to this site in the recorder boxes so hopefully the rest of the office wont have anymore problems

  10. Stupid me. I loaded the 64 bit driver first, which may have mucked everything else up. Then I found your site. I tried loading the UK language version of the software and nothing seemed to happen. Then I tried the US version and it worked. Loaded the update OK and then tried the 64bit driver (again). It wouldn’t work. After much problem chasing I went to Device Manager and >>uninstalled<< the driver, then unplugged the 960PC and plugged it back in. This time the driver loaded successfully.
    It's happily transferring files now. Woohoo. Cheers from Australia.

  11. I too was able to finally download and get my digital player files SAFELY transfered to my pc. I have had them on the recorder since 2008. I just figured they were GONE after the batteries failed. But decided to try to find a way to access and transfer them ONE MORE TIME.
    glad I did.
    Thank you

  12. Thank you this worked perfectly, I opted to initially install the software with the original CD that I still had, then proceeded to download the files from the links you provided.

  13. Thanks so much! I was just about to throw the recorder away. I made a donation.

    Cheers! Regards. :))

  14. Thanks a million for that! Downloaded the 3 files to my Win 7 Pro 64-bit PC, unzipped, installed, connected my VN-3100PC and transferred files with absolutely no problems. Sorted!

  15. THanks Cenk!, I follwed steps 1 and 2 plus your instructions and managed to transfer files from my VN480PC to my windows 7 32 bit PC

  16. I know you posted this 2 years ago but it is still useful. Thanks for pointing out the steps. God bless you-Brunei

  17. Cenk. You are a blooming legend. Thank you. Olympus are rubbish, but you have saved the day!


  19. Hello, Rian.

    I found your discussion and read the whole thing through twice and I still do not get it.

    Would you please describe (for the computer-stupid, like me) how to make the Olympus voice recorder VN-960PC play nice with Windows 8?

    Also, would you please email it directly to me, because I don’t know if I can ever find this bulletin board ever again! :)



  20. Hey, I was hoping this would help me as well, but i can’t select Update Driver, there’s just Driver Details that I can click on. Do you have any idea why?
    What leaves me quite puzzled is that I managed to transfer files once already, but then it decided for some reason that it doesn’t want to do it anymore. I uninstalled and installed everything again for 4 times now and nothing changes. It’s so frustrating…

  21. Thanks all, but now it’s Windows 8 time. I followed the original steps, plus Cenk’s advice about Device Manager. It seems there are no drivers for Win 8?


  22. Thanks so much for your instructions. My device is working now. I’m now transferring a valuable audio file from a 3 hour customer workshop. You’re a big help! I’ll be happy to donate more than 2 quid.

  23. Thanks, this got me going. I actually needed to install on XP, and the version of the the basic install you point to is the only one I’ve found that actually works with my VN-2100PC. As a hint to anyone else doing this, you need to point the installer at R0990_40 (D) as that is where the drivers are. Also works well on 7 64 bit.

  24. Awesome, I can finally make use of my old vn-3100pc again. For the record, DWP and the drivers installed and work well on a vm’d windows 8.1.
    Thanks Rian!

  25. To get the 32 bit device driver to work on Windows 8 32 bit took several steps. The install went too fast to see where the driver extracted too. So I used 7zip to extract the contents of the installer, which gave me setup.exe,, and several other files. Using Universal Extractor on data1 created a directory of the same name containing the drivers. From there I was able to update device manager with the untrusted driver. Now works ok. My device: VN-4100PC.

  26. Thank You so very much….I spent several frustrating hours on this and finally got lucky when I came across your help page.I would have donated $20.00 dollars, as I am sooo happy to finally have this all working again.God Bless. =)

  27. impossible to make it works.i can pass my records to my pc.i have done absolutely everything you said,the 3 steps and nothing…im at the uk,with a laptop,windows 7 and I do really need to pass the voice records as and evidence of bulling.please help me!

  28. followed this on two different lenovo win 7 64bit machines used two different cables and it didn’t work. gotta find an old xp laptop and try it on it to get these files off of the recorder that are important evidence in criminal cases. Thanks Olympus your helping criminals out.

  29. Thank you very much!
    There are no Japanese site for download, so you’ve been very helpful.

  30. Thank you so much for this post about getting the Olympus Digital Wave Player to work on Windows 7. And for the links.

  31. Olympus digital voice recorder VN-1000PC cannot transfer files to pc
    read thro some of he tasks like i have tied them ,but to no avail
    help ,
    a silver headed surfer

  32. Tried it on different computers and with different cables, but it still tells me that it cannot find a driver and does not recognize my recorder!

  33. I wish all sites with how to instructions were as clear, no nonsense and comprehensive as yours. Good work deserves to be payed. You saved my day. Thank you.

    kind regards

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